One of my very old presentations’ on my favorite Twitter-Bootstrap JS Library which is used to build responsive websites easily. This presentation was done in 2012 when I was working in a start-up company; where I used to be a Web Developer. For latest Twitter-Bootstrap version, please refer the following link:
Author: Harish Varada
Steps to install PostgreSQL, phpPgAdmin with PHP and managing PostgreSQL over Ubuntu 11.10
Here, I’m attempting to explain how to install PostgreSQL & phpPgAdmin briefly and an attempt to perform database dump and restore; which should be a basic functionality but is not present in pgadmin. Here, I’m presuming that you already have a Linux machine with Ubuntu(likely v11.10) and installing the latest version of PostgreSQL(v9.1.1). Installation Steps… Continue reading Steps to install PostgreSQL, phpPgAdmin with PHP and managing PostgreSQL over Ubuntu 11.10
How to change MySQL password on Ubntu 11.10
Here are the steps to change or reset or set your MySQL password on a Ubuntu 11.10 or Linux machines. 1. Stop the mysql server using the following command: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop 2. Start the mysqld demon process using the –skip-grant-tables option with the following command: sudo /usr/sbin/mysqld –skip-grant-tables –skip-networking & 3. Start the mysql… Continue reading How to change MySQL password on Ubntu 11.10
Steps to install Apache, MySQL, PHP, PhpMyAdmin over Ubuntu 11.10
Here is a brief description of installing the top most Web-Application developments tools for LAMP Technologies (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). Here, I’m presuming that you already have a Linux machine with Ubuntu(likely v11.10). Steps to install Apache2 Server: sudo apt-get install apache2 Steps to install MySQL5 Client and Server: sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client Steps to… Continue reading Steps to install Apache, MySQL, PHP, PhpMyAdmin over Ubuntu 11.10
Get IP address, gateway details, change gateway over Linux Machine
To get the IP address on a ubuntu machine we use the command:$ ifconfigTo get the gateway details, we use the command:$ route -nTo change the gatway, we use the following commands$ sudo route del default$ sudo route add default gw <new-gateway-address>Cheers.
How to get Facebook Application ID from Page URL
Let us assume that we are trying to find out the ApplicationID of the fan page of “Virat Kohli” ( only thing to do is to change “www” for “graph”, looks like this: and the ID is there. 😉Cheers.
Twitter Bootstrap
Hmmm “Twitter Bootstrap”..Lovi’n it a lot.. :-* Check it out and grab the fun coding.
Ajax form submit using jQuery
The basic script code, through which we submit a form using an Ajax call without refreshing the page using jQuery is as follows: <script type=”text/javascript”>var baseurl = $(“#baseURL”).val();var customURL = baseurl + “path/to/controller/to/execute/insert”;$.ajax({ type: ‘POST’, url: customURL, data: $(“#form_id”).serialize(), success: function(response) { // based on the response generally,… Continue reading Ajax form submit using jQuery
VI Editor
To create or to open a file for editing [root@comp1 ~]# vi Example:- [root@comp1 ~]# vi fullreport To go to insert mode i – inserts the text at current cursor position r – replace a single char at current cursor position Commands at Execute Mode :q – quit without saving :q! – quit forcefully without… Continue reading VI Editor
Google Chrome – PHP Extension
Hey, here is the PHP Ninja Extension for Google Chrome. Add this to you Google Chrome Browser and experience the programming much faster. 😉