Twitter Bootstrap

One of my very old presentations’ on my favorite Twitter-Bootstrap JS Library which is used to build responsive websites easily. This presentation was done in 2012 when I was working in a start-up company; where I used to be a Web Developer. For latest Twitter-Bootstrap version, please refer the following link:

Twitter Bootstrap

Hmmm “Twitter Bootstrap”..Lovi’n it a lot.. :-* Check it out and grab the fun coding.

Categorized as HTML, jQuery

Ajax form submit using jQuery

The basic script code, through which we submit a form using an Ajax call without refreshing the page using jQuery is as follows: <script type=”text/javascript”>var baseurl = $(“#baseURL”).val();var customURL = baseurl + “path/to/controller/to/execute/insert”;$.ajax({    type: ‘POST’,    url: customURL,    data: $(“#form_id”).serialize(),    success: function(response) {        // based on the response generally,… Continue reading Ajax form submit using jQuery

Categorized as jQuery